If you’re looking for a trustworthy source of accurate estimates, look no further! At Xact Construction Estimation, we care for all your estimating needs, whether you’re undertaking residential, commercial, or civil work. Our clientele includes general contractors, subcontractors, builders, homeowners, and architects. Our estimators are trained to provide the highest standards of workmanship. Per your requirements, we provide construction estimating services using BuildXact, Bluebeam, PlanSwift, RedTeam, Estimator360, Stack, ProCore, and other software. Our estimators regularly get training to stay up-to-date with the latest versions of all construction estimating software. In addition, we also offer zip-code-based pricing, so no matter where you are in the US, you’re always getting the most updated material, quantity, and labor takeoffs. We make every effort to turn each of our estimates into a bid-winning estimate so you can submit your bids confidently. We consider ourselves an extension of your team and leave no stone unturned in helping you win your weekends back. So you can focus on creating something beautiful instead of toiling away for hours, preparing your estimates.

Xact Construction Esimate Offer

Industrial Estimating

Our trained professionals meticulously prepare bids for your industrial projects so you can see everything at a glance, including your overheads, and your profit percentage. Winning, then, is a natural outcome.

Commercial Estimating

Busy contractors, developers, and architects save hundreds of thousands of hours every year when they hire Xact Construction Estimation to provide cost consulting and cost estimating services for construction for their projects.

Residential Estimating

When you use our residential construction estimating services, you can be confident of winning more bids because our calculations for your cost estimation services are backed by our accurate, comprehensive, and dependable cost estimates.

Value Over Price

Xact Construction Estimation was born of a simple idea: helping contractors, developers, architects, and other construction professionals like you win your time back. Time in the form of countless hours that you spend on preparing bids and cost estimates. As long as you’re working with us, you’ll always get more value – much more value – than the price you’ll pay for your cost estimates. You can always consider us an extension of your own personal team. Team that you don’t have to pay on monthly basis but a team you can always count on to deliver on the promises you have made.

Ethics and Associations

By the virtue of the latest software and through our team of trained professional estimators we provide Construction Estimating Services in all states of the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. We adhere not only to the strict codes of ethics but also religiously follow certified American estimators’ organizations like the American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS). This is just one of the many ways we strive to make your mind know that your estimates are dependable.

What is Our 12-Hour Service?

Would you believe we have provided accurate Construction Estimating Services to construction professionals on Sundays, other national holidays, and even at midnight? That’s how committed we are! Here’s the short version of how that came about:

Some time ago, our inbox became flooded with frantic messages from diverse kind of construction professionals that can be summarized in two words: Turnaround Time? We quickly realized the construction professionals must’ve been caught up with different tasks, which is quite normal when you don’t have a large team. Now that the time to bid approached, they realized if they went to the drawing board to prepare their own material takeoff and material lists, they’ll never make it in time. The only solution was to get outside help. So, first, we assured them we were not outsiders in their team. And then, we said, as quickly as 12 hours!

And like that, our 12-hour service was born!

We have provided cost estimates to construction professionals on Sundays, on holidays, and even by midnight the same night because we are a construction estimator company committed to your success as much as any of your other team members are. We know it’s one thing to claim this and quite another to deliver. So we request you to try us when every other company has said This Can’t Be Done so we can show you How Is It Done!




Turn around Time

Who Should Get
Our Construction Estimating Services?

If you are a busy construction professional with a small team. If your day is consumed in taking care of various construction related problems. If you have your eyes on closing more projects than your existing resources allow. If you want a reliable, dependable, team player of an estimator on your side without having to pay thousands of dollars a year in salary and benefits. Then you should hire Xact Construction Estimation, one of the best construction estimation companies in USA to undertake the strenuous part of your job. Doing this could be the only surefire way to adding countless more hours to your work-week.

Benefits of Working with Us

Ghost smilie icon

Save Time

If it takes you 2 days to prepare, check, and double check one cost estimate, then you are 2 days behind the contractor who hired us to prepare the same cost estimate. These are the 2 days you could’ve spent sorting out the machinery problems, or labor problems, or any of the other countless problems that your title brings with it.

slightly smiling face icon

Build Team

Hiring and retaining an estimator can be just as tricky as hiring and retaining any other employee. But this is one hiring (and retention) you don’t have to do! Instead of building your own team of estimators and spending time and resources on their upkeep, you can instead have an invisible army of estimators working for you.

expressionless face icon

Bid More

You can scale up or scale down as you please. With many interesting projects coming up in your vicinity, or throughout the country, you can pick and choose according to your availability. And since one of the prominent feature of our construction cost estimating services is your Profit Percentage, you can easily discard a project at the bidding stage if pursuing it doesn’t align with your objectives.

grinning squinting face

Save Money

If you hire one estimator, you’ll not only have to spend thousands of dollars every year on salary and maintenance, you’ll still be limited by his ability and agility. A cost-saving alternative would be to hire a team of professional, quick, trained estimators in the form of Xact Construction Estimation and signup for our budget estimating services.

3 eyed smilie icon

Save Resources

If you want to bid on 4 projects every week, you will need to hire at least 2 estimators to help you. Assuming they work tirelessly for a week, how likely are they to be working in the same spirit the next week? The next month? Wouldn’t it be better to hire our team that we will rotate and assign to different parts of your estimate so you can bid on 8 projects if you ever wanted to scale up?!

face with crossed-out eyes icon

Win More

In a shooting competition, you can win either by a) shooting more or b) shooting with more accuracy. Although there’s no harm in employing either strategy (or a combination of both), we don’t only provide cost estimation for your projects, we also advise on how to approach each project. Because our sole aim is to watch you win. And celebrate each of your success.

Satisfied Clients
Countries Experienced

Meet Your Team

We consider ourselves an extension of your team so we thought we should explain here how our team – essentially your team – works:

We select estimators who are committed to the guidelines provided by organizations like American Association of Cost Engineers (AACE) and the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS). Then we train our estimators in using the latest estimation software like Bluebeam, RS Means, Planswift, and Xactimate to provide construction estimator services to you, according to our own standards.

Depending on the scope of work, project size, and the turnaround time, we assign teams of estimators to different lists so your cost estimate can be prepared quickly and efficiently. Then our Quality Check department headed by our chief estimator thoroughly analyzes the cost estimate so that there are no discrepancies in the:

  • Material Quantities & Material List
  • Labor Cost with Man Hours
  • PDF Markup Plans
  • Over Heads
  • And, most importantly, your Profit Percentage.

And then, after a while, we celebrate your success.

Are You Tired

of picking and choosing which projects to bid on and which ones to slip away? Being surprised by your profits at the end of a project because you were expecting way more? Being bogged down by unnecessary (and unjust) expenses being claimed by your sub-contractors? Then you should immediately signup with our construction estimation services to reclaim your peace and your profits. As your Construction Estimating Services provider, we will see to it that

    1. You bid on every project that you believe you are equipped and ready to handle.
    2. Before even beginning the project, you see your profit percentage clear as a day.
    3. Your profit percentage doesn’t waver throughout the lifecycle of the project.
    4. You’re not overcharged, overburdened, or over-priced at any juncture of the whole process.
    5. That everything sails smoothly for you and your team.
building under construction

Don’t Compromise on Scope

The only way to finish a project (and keep the client happy) is not to compromise. Not to compromise on scope of work, or quality of work, or on budget. If you don’t want to spend out-of-pocket to deliver on your promises and keep the client happy, you need to develop a failsafe strategy. The foremost part of building a failsafe strategy is by planning your work, and then working your plan. With our accurate Construction Estimating Services, we’ll help you clearly see important elements like:


Following are some of the features of our services. We hope few will resonate with you:

Accurate Estimating

Accurate Estimates is not only our company name, it’s the cornerstone of accurate project planning. Our estimators take extra precaution preparing and then triple-checking your estimates because we know how fail-safe they need to be before they arrive at your table. For us, bid ready estimates is not just a phrase; it’s a credo we live by.


Time Management

Time is an unreplenishable resource we all have. At Accurate Estimates, we make the most of this resource. From receiving your initial contact to receiving your plans to sending you a free quote to preparing your estimate, we time everything and we deliver everything on time. For us, there’s no Saturday or any other holiday until we have delivered your estimate to you. And have received your confirmation that you’re happy with it. The moment you send us your plans, we become an extension of your team, and all our resources – including our time- belongs to you.


Bidding Plans

We’re your surefire way of winning without the guesswork. Or any kind of work, really. You don’t have to experience bid fatigue to know you need our help. We’re your secret weapon that you can bring out anytime. Let our expert strategists craft winning bids for you while you focus on mastering the craft. You don’t have a reason of leaving success to chance anymore. Invest your confidence in us so you can bid with complete confidence.


Helping Contractors Win Bids

Are you bogged down by frequent cost overruns? Do you find yourself frequently resorting to guesswork? Are you mostly battling paperwork instead of doing what you love; building? Then you are at the right place! Accurate Estimates will rid you of these problems, and more. We will provide you with laser-focused estimates so you can bid to win, not just to compete. Let bid fumbles be a thing of the past. Our bids will help you win on value, not just on cost. And that’s not a promise; it’s a given.


Damage Claim Estimates

We all know “construction” is what happens when you're busy making other plans. Unforeseen realities can creep up quickly while you’re busy building. In these circumstances, Damage Claim Estimation by Accurate Estimates is your best friend: we’ll sift through contracts, schedules, and receipts to uncover the hidden costs. We’ll asses the true financial burden by calculating impact of delays, rework, and substandard materials. We’ll arm you with evidence-based claims, strengthening your position at the bargaining table. We believe you should not start a project without our Damage Claim Estimate and it’s one service that you should have before you need it.


Detailed Bidding Plans

We’re your surefire way of winning without the guesswork. Or any kind of work, really. You don’t have to experience bid fatigue to know you need our help. We’re your secret weapon that you can bring out anytime. Let our expert strategists craft winning bids for you while you focus on mastering the craft. You don’t have a reason of leaving success to chance anymore. Invest your confidence in us so you can bid with complete confidence.

What We

Our charges may seem surprisingly low to you but we’ve made a conscious effort to keep them reasonable because we believe in value over price.

First off, price is not just the sting of the cash you pay, but the needles on your watch can pinch just as much; if you were paying $100 for a $300 job but it took twice as long and didn’t turn out to be as accurate as you hoped it would, then how good are the $200 you saved? Probably the $200 you didn’t pay was the whole of your profit in such a scenario.

So, our final price for an estimate would depend on the scope of work and project size. We won’t be able to help you much without looking at your drawings.

We also have a 12-hour turnaround time, available on request. Yes, we will deliver your estimate on a Sunday, a national holiday, or even at midnight the same day if you require. For some additional cost. Cost that would be a fraction of what you would save in blood, sweat, and tears.

Ask, and you shall receive a free quote! we will be in touch shortly to learn more about your company and your needs.

our devoted clients

What our
Clients are Saying?

Bob Willson Contractor
Bob Wilson 🇺🇸 Contractor

Xact Estimates saved me a lot of headaches (and cash!). Their numbers were spot-on, leading to smooth bids and happy clients. The accuracy and efficiency of their services make them a standout choice for any contractor. 5/5, would build again with them.

James undai developer
James Undai 🇬🇧 Developer

Xact's like a crystal ball for construction costs. I could see every cost clearly. Their reports anticipate every detail, giving me confidence to greenlight projects with less risk. Their comprehensive estimates have been instrumental in achieving our goals seamlessly. Game changers!

michelle grace builder
Michelle Grace 🇦🇺 Builder

Xact Construction Estimation is our go-to for estimation services. Their thorough and meticulous approach sets them apart. Precise costs, clear breakdowns, and fast turnaround—makes pricing projects a breeze. No one should build without them!

John Watts contractor
John Watts 🇳🇿 Contractor

Xact Estimates saved me a lot of headaches (and cash!). Their numbers were spot-on, leading to smooth bids and happy clients. The accuracy and efficiency of their services make them a standout choice for any contractor. 5/5, would build again with them.

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What Services XactConstructionEstimate Provide? + -

XactConstructionEstimate offers estimating services for residential, commercial, and industrial developments, ensuring precise cost projections tailored to your project.

How do you estimate construction cost? + -

We utilize cutting-edge software like BuildXact, Bluebeam, and others to ensure accuracy and efficiency in our construction cost estimates.

How do you calculate labor and material cost? + -

Our labor and material costs are derived from an updated national database, guaranteeing that estimates reflect current market conditions and industry standards.

Why you should Hire us? + -

Choose XactConstructionEstimate for our experienced team, state-of-the-art technology, and commitment to providing reliable and informed construction cost estimates.

What is your turnaround delivery time? + -

Our turnaround time is 12 to 48 hours, depending on project size, offering swift and meticulous cost estimates to keep your construction plans on track.